The digestive system in the body consists of many organs through which digestion-related actions take place in the body. If these organs are weak in the body, then the body cannot develop, it cannot develop.
When the digestive system is weak, after eating, one suffers from digestive problems like gas, bloating, stomach discomfort, constipation or fatigue. We will also know ways to increase digestion power in it.
Digestive system due to malfunction
- Reduce manual labor
- Reduction in eating and drinking
- Drink a small amount of water
- Excess consumption of tobacco products (alcohol and cigarettes)
- Intake of food
- Irregular eating
- Stay up late at night
- Sit for hours
- Eat fast food or junk food
- Failure of routine
- Not getting enough sleep
- Stress
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Symptoms of digestive system dysfunction:
- acidity
- Stomach problems
- Heartburn
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Grow diarrhea
- Being indignant
- Having constipation
- Indigestion
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Ways to cure digestive system
Keep your routine correct: It is necessary for a human being to have a good routine. If your routine is not balanced then you may face many small problems throughout the day. Keep your daily routine right from morning till bedtime. Take your meal at the right time. If your routine is good, then your body will continue to function properly.
Sleep early at night: Many people stay up late at night due to work and many wrong routines. He does not sleep quickly due to which he gets up late. Staying up late at night has adverse effects on the digestive system. If you stay awake till late night then your digestive system will be spoiled. The way to avoid this is to change the habit of sleeping late at night.
Take deep and sound sleep: Just as food is necessary for our body, similarly sleep is also necessary. Good health cannot be thought of without good sleep. It is necessary to get a good 8 to 9 hours of sleep in a day.
Drink plenty of water: Water is very valuable for us. Most people drink very little water. About 2 liters of water should be drunk in a day. If your digestive system is not well then you drink more water. It fulfills the amount of water in our body which makes the food easy to digest.
Exercise daily: Exercising is beneficial for our body. Include exercises in your routine. Food is digested better by regular exercise. Apart from this, it maintains the right level of our weight which is good for the health of our digestive system, so exercise daily and keep our health good.
Measures to increase digestive power
Eat cardamom: Consumption of cardamom is beneficial for pregnant woman. It removes the digestive problems of pregnant women. You can also consume it by adding cardamom to the tea.
Eat ginger: Ginger keeps digestive juices and enzymes digesting food in our body. Its juice prevents digestive power from deteriorating. You should consume ginger to correct and strengthen poor digestion.
Take Lemon: Lemon is beneficial for our health. By consuming it, it ends our stomach problems. Lemon removes our indigestion and stomach gas. It is beneficial for our digestive power.
Eat salad: It is good to have a salad when eating. Salad is good for our health along with good food. If you want to digest food well then take a salad with food. In which you can take lemon, tomato and onion.
Eat Guava: Guava is a useful fruit that is nutritious. Guava contains vitamin-C, phosphorus and potassium which is good for health. Eating guava strengthens the brain, heart and digestive power.
Use aniseed: You can take fennel to remove acidity, reduce chest irritation and digest food properly. Taking one spoon of fennel daily regularly keeps the digestion process right.
Take aloe vera: Use aloe vera to strengthen digestion. Aloe vera eliminates our digestive diseases including bloating and stomach ulcers. You can use aloe vera gel with water.
Use Amla: Amla removes vitamin-C deficiency in our body. By taking amla continuously, it prevents our digestive system from deteriorating. You can take amla by mixing black pepper, asafetida and cumin in it.