Friday, October 30, 2020

What is Rosacea, Symptoms and Treatment

 “If your face is turning red due to irritation or pain in your eyes, then you can suffer from a disease called rosacea. This may be due to taking more stress. So avoid stress as much as possible. "


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Rosacea (facial redness) is a common skin disease that affects people over 30 years of age. It causes redness on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Some people have bulges and pimples on the red part on their face.


Rosacea can also cause irritation and pain in your eyes. These symptoms may last from a few weeks to months and may subside after some time. Rosacea can be considered an acne, allergic reaction or other skin problems. Rosacea can affect anyone but it usually affects middle-aged people more.


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Symptoms of Rosacea:




In the beginning of rosacea, the skin of the face becomes red, then the red lines begin to appear and become swollen. There are small pimples in which pus gets filled and finally spreads to the blood vessels supplying blood to the cheeks and nose. Its presence is more fatal in those with dark skin, as the symptoms are less visible or delayed.


Facial redness: Rosacea usually causes redness in the middle part of your face. Small blood vessels in your nose and cheeks often begin to swell.


Swollen red bulge: Many people with Rosacea have swollen red bulge that looks like pimples. These protrusions sometimes have pus. You may feel warm and delicate on your skin.


Eye problems: Half of the total people suffering from Rosacea experience dryness, irritation, swelling and redness of the eyes. Some people come before eye symptoms, skin symptoms.


Nasal enlargement: In some cases, rosacea can cause the nasal skin to become thick, causing the nose to become enlarged. It occurs more to men than women.


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Causes of red face (Rosacea):



The cause of rosacea is not yet known, but it may be due to the combination of genetic and environmental factors. This is not due to lack of cleanliness.


Many factors can increase or cause rosacea by increasing the blood flow to the surface of your skin.


  • Hot drinks and spicy food.
  • alcohol.
  • Change in temperature.
  • Sun or wind.
  • Feelings.
  • work out.
  • Cosmetic Ingredients.
  • Drugs that dilate blood vessels, including some blood pressure medications.


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Face redness (Rosacea)


However, treatment of rosacea is not possible but you can reduce the chances of it happening. For this, the main risk works of Rosacea can be avoided.


Sunlight: Sunlight is the common factor of rosacea which increases its symptoms. People suffering from rosacea should always use sunscreen while going out.


Stress: Rosacea can also occur due to stress and people suffering from Rosacea are advised to do yoga and exercise. But exercise only at an appropriate level as more exercise increases symptoms in some individuals.


Food and beverages: Drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods can cause rosacea. People suffering from rosacea should not consume them.


Cold weather: Cold weather can also cause rosacea. People suffering from this should keep their face covered while going out in winter.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What is Fisher, its symptoms and Treatment

If there is any kind of cut in the anus or anus, it is called a fissure. To avoid this, you should have a balanced diet. "



What is Fisher?


When any type of cut or crack occurs in the anus or anal canal, it is called a fissure or an anal fissure. Fissure occurs when you remove hard and large-sized stools during a bowel movement. Fissure usually causes pain during bowel movements and may also bleed with feces.


During fissure, you may have muscle cramps at the end of your anus. The fissure is quite common in young children, but it can occur at any age. Most of Fisher's problems are cured with common remedies, such as high fiber intake and sitz baths in foods. Some people with Fisher may require medical help and sometimes surgery.


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Symptoms of anal fisher:


Symptoms and signs of a fissure in the anus may include:


  • Pain during bowel movements, sometimes severe pain.
  • Pain after a bowel movement that lasts for several hours.
  • Dark red color appearing on the stool after a bowel movement.
  • Itching or burning around the anus.
  • A crack in the skin around the anus.
  • Lumps or skin tags appear on the skin near the anal fissure.



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Causes of anal fisher:


Damage to the skin of the anus and anus is a common cause of fissure. In most cases, it occurs to people who have constipation. When the hard and large-sized stool passes inside the anus, it is to damage the layers of the anus and anal canal.


Constant diarrhea.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease

Prolonged constipation

Sometimes sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which can infect and damage the anus and rectal canal.

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Rescue from the anal fisher:


You can reduce the risks of developing anal fissure by preventing constipation. If you have ever had a fishery problem, it is important to prevent constipation.


Eat a balanced diet, which includes a good amount of fiber, vegetables.

Drink plenty of fluids.

exercise regularly

Drink alcohol and caffeinated substances.

To maintain digestive and intestinal health, you should pay attention to the prevention of constipation.


When you feel the desire to go to the toilet, do not ignore it because not emptying the intestines can cause constipation later. This is because the stool that accumulates in the intestines becomes hard, which can cause pain and scratches in the anus while passing through the anus.


Do not sit in the toilet for too long and do not force too much. Doing so increases the pressure in the anal canal. If you have any other health-related problems that increase the risk of getting fissured, tell your doctor about this.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

What is a Congestive Heart Failure

What is Congestive Heart Failure?



Due to the weakening of the heart muscle, the heart is not able to pump the right amount of blood, due to which the probability of heart failure increases. It can also have many harmful effects such as:


Due to the decline in the heart's pumping capacity, the body will not get the right amount of blood, due to which many problems can occur.

There will be an obstruction in the way of bleeding in the heart, due to which there will be more constipation in the walls of the heart.

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Stretch will increase in the heart so that the heart will work properly.

There will also be changes in the way the kidney works. Due to the pressure on the kidneys, swelling occurs in many places in the body.

Congestive heart failure can occur in either of the two parts of the heart. Mostly it starts from the left part of the heart but if not treated properly it can spread to the right side as well. Heart failure is a fatal condition.


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What is the type of congestive heart failure?




Congestive heart failure is mainly of two types:


Systolic heart failure


Systolic heart failure occurs when the ventricle on the left side, ie the ventricle, fails to pump. Due to which blood is not able to pass from the heart to the body, hence it is called systolic heart failure.



Diastolic heart failure


Diastolic heart failure is also known as diastolic dysfunction. It holds the principles of the left ventricle and stops blood flow. Due to which the heart fails.



Who are in the stages of heart failure?



There are four stages of heart failure:


Step 1: In the first stage you do not see any symptoms of heart failure. In such a situation, you only have high blood pressure and chest pain. In this stage of congestive heart failure, you can stay healthy by making changes in lifestyle, taking heart medicines and having regular body checkups.


Stage 2: In the second phase one feels chest discomfort and fatigue and difficulty in breathing. For which you should see a doctor and change your lifestyle. Apart from this, heart medicines and regular checkups should be done.


Stage 3: In the third stage, along with chest pain, fatigue, trouble breathing and physical activity are interrupted. In this condition problems may increase, so you should contact your doctor and treat them in time.


Step 4: In the fourth phase, there is no physical activity with chest pain. At this stage immediately go to dr. This last stage can also prove fatal for the patient. Hence your Dr. Understands all the risks from.


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How common is congestive heart failure?

Congestive heart failure is common in adults and the elderly, but children who have any heart related problems may also have heart failure.





What are the symptoms of congestive heart failure?



Heart failure does not happen suddenly because you will get the signs of it already and if you get treatment for heart failure in time, then you can also avoid fast. Some of the characteristic symptoms of heart failure are:


  • fast heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Cough and sneeze bleeding
  • Loss of appetite
  • Be irritable
  • Breathlessness
  • Excessive urination at night
  • Excess weight gain
  • Chest pain

There may be swelling in the abdomen, legs, groin, and toes

Apart from this, there can be many symptoms. And anyone should visit their nearest doctor for questions. You should see your doctor as soon as symptoms appear. Chest pain, breathlessness, phlegm bleeding, fainting, see your doctor if any of these symptoms appear.


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What may be the causes of congestive heart failure?


Congestive heart failure can occur when the heart muscle is damaged. Some diseases which are prone to failures are:


Hypertension: Hypertension means high blood pressure, in such a situation it is often seen that high blood pressure causes heart failure. In high blood pressure, blood vessels become narrower, which can slow blood flow from your heart to the body.


Coronary artery disease: Fat in coronary artery disease can cause coronary artery block, which causes small arteries to carry blood to the heart. Coronary artery disease is the cause of thinning of the arteries and in this case, arterial damage can also occur.


Heart valve disease


A daytime valve that serves to send blood in the same direction. Heart valve disease stops the opening of the heart valve. The symptoms of heart valve failure are faintness, dizziness, breathing problems etc. Which can cause heart failure.




In cardiomyopathy, there is an infection in the heart, which also affects the arteries. Smoking and alcohol consumption are the cause of infection in the heart. This causes the heart to not function properly, causing heart failure problems.


Cardiac arrhythmias


Heart rate becomes abnormal in cardiac arrhythmias, which causes heart beats to be significantly faster. In this condition, the heart has to do extra work, which can weaken the heart and cause heart failure.


Apart from this, there are some other reasons as well, which are:


  • heart attack
  • Anemia
  • Thyroid

Congestive heart failure can occur in lung disease or even when there is too much fluid in the body.





The risk



What is the risk factor for congestive heart failure?



Many symptoms may increase the risk of heart failure such as:


Coronary Artery Disease: The narrowing of the arteries so that the oxygenated blood does not reach the heart and the heart muscle becomes weak.


Heart Attack: Cardiac muscles will deteriorate when heart attack occurs and will not function properly.


Diabetes: Even after having diabetes, the risk of hypertension will increase and coronary artery disease may occur.


Diabetes Medications: Diabetes medications such as rosiglitazone and pioglitazone can increase the risk of heart failure. So you can get your medicines changed by asking your doctor.


Sleep apnea: If you are not able to breathe properly while sleeping, you may still have congestive heart failure.


Even if someone has a heart disease since birth, you can still have congestive heart failure.


Congestive heart failure can occur even if it is valvular disease.


Infections: Viral infections can also cause heart disease and increase the chances of congestive heart failure.


Drinking too much alcohol can also result in congestive heart failure.


Smoking: Smoking too much can also increase the risk of congestive heart failure.


Obesity: People who are overweight should also be cautious as the increased weight can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


You may also have congestive heart failure due to abnormal heartbeats. Heart rate increases even if the heartbeats are very fast and heart failure can occur.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What is Jaw Fracture

A broken jaw or jaw fracture means jaw fracture, while the jaw dislocated means the joint connecting the jaw and skull is moved or moved. Often a fracture in the jaw is caused by an injury to the face.


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What does jaw fracture mean?

The jaw has two parts, the upper and lower jaw. The upper jaw is usually stable and the lower jaw has a movement. Jaw fracture or jaw dislocate means injury or rupture in one or both joints connecting the lower jaw to the skull. These joints are called temporomandibular joints (TMJ). It may break, crack, or detach from the skull. The separation of the jaw joint is called dislocation. You may have trouble eating and breathing when a jaw fracture occurs. It requires quick treatment and quick treatment to reduce any complications.


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Due to jaw fracture

Facial injury is an important cause of jaw structure or dislocation. The jawbone has gone from your chin to the back of the ear. Some common types of injury that can cause jaw fractures to include:


  • Physical attack on face
  • Accidental fall in home
  • Sports injury
  • Industrial or office accident
  • Car accident




Jaw dislocation can also be a problem with a jaw fracture. Reasons for this include:


  • Vomiting
  • Dental procedure
  • Cut something
  • Yawning

TMJ disorder can cause pain and it affects the movement of the jaw. People with this disorder have a higher risk of jaw dislocation. People who have already had JO dislocation are at higher risk.


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  • Jaw fracture symptoms
  • Jaw clenching
  • Swelling in the jaw and on the face
  • Bleeding, including bleeding from the mouth
  • Jaw pain
  • Numbness of that part
  • Feeling uncomfortable chewing something
  • Other dental problems such as numbness of the gums and loose teeth
  • The top and bottom teeth do not sit together
  • Numbness of your lips and lower jaw

Along with the bleeding inside the mouth, you will also see a change in the lineup of teeth. A jaw fracture may cause bruising or a cut in the ear canal under the tongue when going behind it.

Numbness of the face and scarring of the blue marks is a symptom of jaw fracture. Other disparities such as facial shape may change when the jaw is fractured. Teeth may also break or move due to injury.




The diagnosis



Diagnosis of jaw fracture

The doctor performs physical examination and X-rays to diagnose a jaw fracture. Panoramic X-rays are best for the jaw. Blood tests are not usually required. The doctor examines your TMJ joint's facial deformities, swelling, bruises, etc. After this, the doctor examines the inside of the mouth, asking you to bite something, place your teeth on each other.


If the doctor feels that you have a fracture in your jaw, then he would recommend a CT scan. The doctor also examines Jobon's stability. This test is done with a straight blade test, the doctor evaluates whether you are able to place it between the teeth by placing a tongue blade between your teeth.